Is your happiness dependent upon your relationship?

Whether your relationship lasts or not, true happiness is achievable when you transform your limiting beliefs holding you back from what is possible.

Are you in an unhappy relationship? 

Are you tired of constantly thinking about what to do about it?

Do you find yourself feeling angry, resentful, trapped, lonely, or longing for more? 

Are you experiencing an inner conflict in deciding whether to stay or to go?

I’m here to help. Inner conflict like this is real and far more common than you could ever imagine. But there is real peace to be found in the journey from confusion to clarity.

Start Healing

Through Conscious Uncoupling coaching, the Stay or Go Coaching Program, and Rapid Transformational Therapy or RTT, you will go from pain to true happiness. 

Whether the result is divorce or a vow renewal, I’ll help you first achieve inner peace so that the decision to sustain or end your relationship is simply a result and not the key solution. 

My ultimate goal is freedom to help you become your happiest, most fulfilled self.

My Story

As a divorced mother, I’ve walked this journey and paved the road ahead for wherever yours takes you. For years, I agonized over the decision to stay or go … to remain in a marriage that no longer felt aligned with who I had become or to make the excruciating decision to leave. 

Ultimately, ending the marriage helped me to grow and achieve a level of peace and happiness I never could have imagined. I learned to give myself what I need and desire rather than relying on another person to do it for me.

Let me be your guide to self-fulfillment, in which you learn to love yourself first. Your partner comes after.

When I began working with Adele I felt that I was drowning. My life had been upended by my pending divorce, it seemed like the world was crashing down on me, and for the first time in my life, I felt like a failure. With Adele’s guidance and support, I now look at things from a completely different perspective: Instead of buying into the story that the end of my marriage means something negative about me, I now know that I am exactly where I need to be. This challenge has made me grow into someone who is stronger and more resilient than ever.
— Frank